The Elsevier Journal Ecosystem Services (ECOSER) is officially associated with ESP with Rudolf de Groot as Editor in Chief, who followed-up Leon Braat as the first Editor-in-Chief (2012-2019) and Robert Costanza as co-founding Editor, with many core-ESP members on the Editorial Board.
Reduced ECOSER subscription for ESP Members
One of the many benefits of an ESP membership is a reduced subscription to the electronic journal Ecosystem Services. As of 2018, paying ESP members can sign up for an e-subscription for only 36€/year.
Additionally, ESP members get 20% discount on the Article Publishing Charge (APC) when publishing in ECOSER.
If you are already an ESP member, please see our ECOSER subscription page for more information on how to subscribe with the reduced price and claim the APC discount.
Ecosystems and People
Ecosystems and People is an interdisciplinary journal that addresses how biodiversity and ecosystems underpin human quality of life, and how societal activities and preferences drive changes in ecosystems. It used to be called the International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, but this was recently changed. Alexander van Oudenhoven and Berta Martín-López are the Co-Editors in Chief, and they are supported by an active Editorial Board that is balanced in career stage, scientific disciplines and gender. Many members are active ESP members. Ecosystems and People is fully open access. More information on the journal’s updated scope and inclusive approach towards scientific publication can be read in this Editorial. The journal is open to receiving inter- and transdisciplinary submissions, including insights from other knowledge holders. Note that opportunities for full or partial publication fee waivers exist, please contact the Co-Editors in Chief.
Discount on Open Access fee for ESP members
ESP members will get a 15% discount on the article publication fee. (Click here for the discount code.)
One Ecosystem
One Ecosystem Journal focuses on the fields of ecology and sustainability. It is an innovative open access scholarly journal that goes beyond the conventional research article publication. The journal is open for submissions ranging across the entire research cycle, including data, models, methods, workflows, results, software, perspectives and policy recommendations.
Discount for ESP members
ESP members get an additional 10% discount of the discounted prices in the first year.
Editorial Board
- Dr. Benjamin Burkhard, Editor-in Chief
- Joachim Maes, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
- Davide Geneletti, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
- Pavel Stoev, Managing Editor
Other Journals
Several other journals are closely linked to ESP, including:
- Ecological Indicators (Editor in Chief: Felix Mueller),
- Solutions (Editor in Chief: Robert Costanza, Managing Editor: Ida Kubiszewski)
- Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society (Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Stoyan Nedkov, Managing Editor: Hristina Prodanova)