Relevant initiatives that are supported by and/or related to ESP are listed below. If you know of other relevant initiatives for data, please contact the guidelines & toolkits lead team.
- Ecosystem Service Valuation Database (TEEB) – Consists of a database of 1310 estimates of monetary values of ecosystem services, from over 300 case studies.
- Protected Areas Benefits Assessment Tool (PA-BAT) – is designed to fill an important gap in the toolbox of protected area agencies and conservation institutions, by providing a methodology to collate and build information about the overall benefits from protected areas. The PA-BAT aims to help collate information on the full range of current and potential benefits of individual protected areas. Although developed primarily for use in protected areas, the tool could have wider application, for example in assessing wider benefits of forest management units, agricultural landscapes or areas set aside for recreation. The main audience for this report is protected area managers and authorities, but it should also be useful for anyone interested in finding out about the range of benefits that protected areas provide.
- Kettunen & ten Brink: Social and Economic Benefits of Protected Areas – An Assessment Guide (Paper Back, Routledge, 2013) – This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the socio-economic benefits of PAs and PA networks and provides step-by-step practical guidance on identifying, assessing and valuing the various ecosystem services and related benefits provided by PAs. It also aims to improve the communication of PA benefits to different stakeholders and the general public.
- Vital Signs (VS), CI in partnership with the Earth Institute (EI), Columbia University and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa – Vital Signs provides data and diagnostic tools to help inform agricultural decisions and monitor their outcomes. It provides integrated, near real-time measurements of agriculture, ecosystem services, and human well-being at all of the scales relevant to agricultural decision making—from a household to a farm, a landscape, and at the scale of a nation.