GlobalDES has its origins in an Massive Online Open Course on ecosystem services taught by the staff of the University of Geneva in Switzerland. The learners (i.e., students) have been asked for the past three years onwards to contribute at least one entry to GlobalDES by describing a document published in their country that proposes concrete measures to safeguard ecosystem services. [Read more…] about GlobalDES: Global Database of regulatory Documents on Ecosystem Services
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
PhD studentship: Social impacts of protected areas
The University of Cambridge in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University is pleased to offer a PhD studentship available for October 2019. The studentship will be a 3-year doctoral programme and will be co-supervised by Prof Andreas Kontoleon (Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge) and Dr Nikoleta Jones (Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University). The PhD student will be enrolled in the Department of Land Economy and the degree will be awarded by the University of Cambridge. Information about the PhD programme at the Department of Land Economy is found here. [Read more…] about PhD studentship: Social impacts of protected areas
Postdoc position on sustainable protein production at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Are you interested in sustainable food and farming systems, and would you like to join an interdisciplinary project on improving plant protein production in Europe? Apply at the Environmental Geography Group of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Within the ERA-net project LegumeGap that analyses the potential and externalities of legume production in Europe, we have a postdoc position available. More info on vacancy and application.
ESP March Update is here
In this month’s issue of the ESP newsletter, you’ll find news on:
- upcoming ESP conferences
- results of the recent steering committee elections
- developments from working groups on marine systems, mountain regions and cultural ES
- updates from Central America & Caribbean regional chapter, Brazil national network and NESP (USA)
- ESP Asia Regional Office – information on upcoming special issue
- ESMERALDA Project results
- Upcoming events, courses and summer schools
Read the update here.
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Working Group on Marine Systems – Update
There are several publications that have been published recently with authors belonging to the Marine WG.
Ángel Borja together with one of his PhD students, Sarai Pouso, who is just about to finish her PhD, has recently published four papers: [Read more…] about Working Group on Marine Systems – Update