The landmark IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is the most comprehensive ever completed. Compiled by 145 expert authors from 50 countries over the past three years, with inputs from another 310 contributing authors, the Report assesses changes over the past five decades, providing a comprehensive picture of the relationship between economic development pathways and their impacts on nature. It also offers a range of possible scenarios for the coming decades. [Read more…] about IPBES Global Assessment shows alarming decline in ecosystems and ecosystem services, highlights need for transformative change
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
Vacancy: PhD position at Hasselt University
Hasselt University, Faculty of Business Economics, research group Environmental Economics is looking for a PhD student in Environmental Economics for the Valuation of Ecosystem Services. Within an interdisciplinary research project, the task will be to assess how biochar, a soil conditioner produced by pyrolysis of biomass, has an impact on ecosystem services (such as biodiversity, crop productivity, carbon sequestration, water treatment), more specifically on marginal soils, and to change these. value services in monetary terms.
You can only apply online up to and including 31 May 2019. [Read more…] about Vacancy: PhD position at Hasselt University
ESP 10 – Call for abstracts
The ESP 10th World Conference will take place in Hannover, Germany on 21-25 October 2019. The conference theme is: 10 years advancing ecosystem services science, policy and practice for a sustainable future.
Interested in presenting your work in one of the fifty-two conference sessions? The call for abstract is now open. [Read more…] about ESP 10 – Call for abstracts
Webinars on IPBES assessments
The IPBES Webinar Series is hosted by the task force and technical support unit on capacity-building. The series covers the IPBES regional assessments, methodological assessment on scenarios and models, the IPBES pollinator report, and more.
You can find all the webinars here.
Go to our Training & Education Repository for more resources like this.
ESP April Update
The ESP newsletter for April is out and we’ve got a lot to share!
Registration is open for ESP Africa, the ESP10 call for abstracts was launched last week, and we are calling for valuation studies for the ES valuation database. Also in this month’s issue you can find updates from the working groups on Mediterranean systems, forestry systems and water management; as well as news from the MENA and West & Central Africa chapters, the Turkey national network and the Young ES Specialists group. For all this and more updates on relevant projects, upcoming events, vacancies and recent publications on ecosystem services, read the full update here.