The Department of Earth System Science at the University of California, Irvine is looking for a self-motivated and qualified post-doctoral researcher to work on a collaborative, multi-benefit valuation project aimed at enhancing carbon storage in California’s natural lands. The candidate is expected to undertake spatial modeling and dynamic analysis to estimate the supply and value of ecosystem services, using GIS-based and statistical software and modeling platforms such as ArcGIS, R and InVEST. [Read more…] about Vacancy: Postodoctoral Researcher at University of California
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
News from ESP Marine Systems Working Group
Two new publications and a call for papers from ESP’s Biome Working Group 2 – Marine Systems.
- New publication on the relationship between ocean and human health. Open access, read more here.
- New publication on integrating ecosystem services with biodiversity in spatial planning, applied to the Belgian coastal zone. It is based on a combination of expert-based ecosystem functioning approaches and stakeholder involvement. Read more here.
- Call for papers for a special issue of Ecosystem Services on blue-green finance: Bridging the Biodiversity Finance Gap. Read more here.
Call for Special Issue on Ecosystem Services in Sustainability
The journal Sustainability is calling for contributions for the Special Issue: Ecosystem Services – from Conceptual Frameworks to Policy Implementation.
This Special Issue aims to gather contributions addressing the link between science and policy in the operationalization of the ecosystem services concept. Possible topics to be addressed include the following:
- How can we integrate ES and biodiversity science in policy formulation processes? What models, indicators, and tools should we use?
- How can we use ES to support environmental planning and assessment processes?
- How can we navigate the ES concept in the water–ecosystems–food nexus?
- How can we scale up locally derived experience onpolicy instruments for ES and biodiversity conservation to national and transnational level
policies? - How can we integrate diverse sources of knowledge and multiple values to improve participation in ES assessment processes?
[Read more…] about Call for Special Issue on Ecosystem Services in Sustainability
IUCN motion supports natural capital accounting for biodiversity
The motion Accounting for biodiversity: encompassing ecosystems, species and genetic diversity led by Conservation International and many partners seeks to support and facilitate further development and implementation of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). It encourages IUCN member countries to implement and further develop SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting and to further investigate how statistical and accounting approaches can more fully incorporate existing knowledge, and advances in biodiversity measurement. A blog about the motion has been posted at the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) website – see this link
We encourage our ESP colleagues who are IUCN members to comment and express support to the motion during online discussion. [Read more…] about IUCN motion supports natural capital accounting for biodiversity
Call for contributions: Governance Mixes for Sustainable Peri-Urbanization
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to a Special Issue on “Governance Mixes for Sustainable Peri-Urbanization” in the journal Sustainability. Peri-urban landscapes are transition territories connecting cities with their surrounding environment, where urban, rural, and natural or semi-natural characteristics are mixed. Peri-urban landscapes often result from unsustainable and partially un-regulated processes threatening the functionality of ecosystems and the provision of related services. However, such complex landscapes can also be seen as an opportunity for governance experimentation and thus for new governance mixes to emerge.
With this Special Issue, we aim to investigate governance mixes oriented towards a more sustainable development of peri-urban landscapes, i.e. mixes of multiple governance approaches combining top-down and bottom-up processes and involving a wide range of actors at different administrative levels. [Read more…] about Call for contributions: Governance Mixes for Sustainable Peri-Urbanization