Dr. Nidhi Nagabhatla, co-lead of the SWG 5 made keynote remarks at the International E-Conference “Trends and Recent Advances in Civil Engineering – TRACE 2020 – Amity University, India (August 2020). Her presentation titled “Water Security in the Fast-Changing World and the Circular Economy Discourse” elaborated on the relevance of nature-based solutions and circularity (beyond recycled and reuse) in managing water systems. The talk focused on various dimensions that apply in transforming these concepts to action and reiterated the significance of interdisciplinary thinking as the key to sustainable water futures. The video of the talk is available here.
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
Equity and Ecosystem Services Webinars
The National Ecosystem Services Partnership will be hosting two webinars (22 September and 1 October 2020) on equity and ecosystem services as a gateway for the ecosystem services community to start thinking and acting more deliberately on the multiple dimensions of equity and inclusion that play out in ecosystem services research and practice. Join us to hear from members of the NESP community who have focused on different facets of equity in their work, and participate in a conversation about how we can learn from each other to incorporate and act on equity considerations as they relate to ecosystem services. [Read more…] about Equity and Ecosystem Services Webinars
Lecturer Ecological/Ecosystems Economics
We are looking for an Ecological Economist to support our Sustainable Ecosystems team within SRUC’s Department for Rural Economy, Environment & Society. The Sustainable Ecosystems team conducts applied research on the socio-economic impacts of agricultural systems and environmental change. In collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, we coordinate and deliver the taught MSc Programme in Ecological Economics, which is the longest running programme of its kind worldwide. [Read more…] about Lecturer Ecological/Ecosystems Economics
Session on Ecosystem Services at Virtual Expert Forum on SEEA EEA 2020
The Virtual Expert Forum on SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EEA) 2020 is taking place online in several sessions between June and September 2020. Session 3 on ecosystem services will take place on 24-25 August.
This session will be structured around topics listed below. The draft agenda is available here.
Day 1 is intended for a broader audience and will mostly consist of general discussions for information and engagement purposes. Day 2 is, however, aimed at an expert audience and will be structured around small group discussions on technical issues. [Read more…] about Session on Ecosystem Services at Virtual Expert Forum on SEEA EEA 2020
Updates from SWG 5 – ES in Water management
New paper: Soft power, discourse coalitions, and the proposed interbasin water transfer between Lake Chad and the Congo River
Dr. Nidhi Nagabhatla, co-lead of ESP’s sectoral working group on ES in water management, co-authored the paper Soft power, discourse coalitions, and the proposed interbasin water transfer between Lake Chad and the Congo River. The article examines the transboundary water interactions between the two relatively under-researched basins of Lake Chad and the Congo River; [Read more…] about Updates from SWG 5 – ES in Water management