The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) are currently looking for a PhD researcher to join the team, focusing on completing a dissertation within the research project ‘WetNetBB’. The specific emphasis of the dissertation is on designing and evaluating policy interventions to facilitate the rewetting of peatlands. The research will utilize behavioral economic theory and quantitative methods to gain insights into farmers’ behavior concerning paludiculture adoption and to evaluate tailored policy interventions aimed at supporting peatland rewetting. [Read more…] about PhD position at ZALF: policy instrument design for climate change mitigation in agriculture
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
Building Resilient Coastal Communities through Nature-based Solutions and Empowerment Tools
EKLIPSE is happy to announce the release of the final knowledge synthesis report from the Eklipse Expert Working Group working on Nature-based Solutions and Empowerment Tools. This report was prepared by an Eklipse Expert Working Group (EWG) active from 2023 to 2024. The group undertook Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) to synthesise the current state of the evidence concerning the role of Nature based Solutions (NbS) and community Empowerment Tools (ET) in addressing coastal challenges such as climate change across Europe. [Read more…] about Building Resilient Coastal Communities through Nature-based Solutions and Empowerment Tools
Scientists reprimand EU decision-makers for rollback on the Green Deal and call for responsible decision-making
In an open letter published on 29 May we join science associations and networks across Europe in criticising European decision-makers for a series of decisions that undermine the EU’s environmental agenda and international obligations, resulting in an overall attack on the Green Deal, on nature, and the future of EU citizens.
While EU policymakers claim that the measures are taken in response to farmers’ protests, we highlight that the decisions are poorly justified, do not address the problems they are claiming to solve, but at the same time, they go against substantive scientific evidence against them. We highlight the severity of rejecting the Sustainable Use Regulation (SUR), weakening basic environmental standards in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), halting the final approval of the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), as well as the Commission’s proposal for exemptions in the Nitrate Directive, and the Commission’s decision to shelve the Framework for Sustainable Food Systems (FSFS). [Read more…] about Scientists reprimand EU decision-makers for rollback on the Green Deal and call for responsible decision-making
Call to action: Europe for Nature
Are you also deeply concerned by the decline of nature in Europe and worldwide, and its impact on current and future generations? Do you agree that it is important that people prioritise nature and sustainability in their decisions? If the answer to these questions is yes, then join your European colleagues in their communication to inform and inspire as many Europeans as possible to prioritise nature and sustainability in their decisions before the European elections.
You can easily support the EuropeForNature initiative by doing the following: [Read more…] about Call to action: Europe for Nature
Call for papers: Special issue “Digital media data in environment and development economics”
As part of the activities of TWG19 “Big Data and Digital Communication”, editors are calling for papers for a special issue in the journal Environment and Development Economics on “Digital media data in environment and development economics”, with guest editors Andrea Ghermandi, David Katz and Maria Loureiro.
Papers should be submitted by 30 September 2024 at the latest. Early submissions are encouraged and will be processed immediately.