The JRC is offering a PostDoc position on habitat mapping suitable for honey bees. This project will test a novel and innovative approach to help detect fraud in honey in the European market. It will combine high-resolution mapping of honeybee habitat suitability with advanced chemical analysis of honey, to identify regions and areas of production which are potentially more vulnerable to honey fraud. [Read more…] about JRC: Postdoc position on honey bee habitat
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
IPBES – calls for experts nominations and expressions of interest
Following the outcomes from IPBES-6 in Medellin, Colombia. IPBES is herewith issuing two open calls: 1) For nomination of the experts; and 2) For expressions of interest to provide technical support units (TSUs).
[Read more…] about IPBES – calls for experts nominations and expressions of interest
IPBES: Call for input
Call for input regarding the strategic framework of the future IPBES work programme (by 23 May 2018)
IPBES would like to invite all governments and stakeholders to provide written comments regarding the strategic framework, in particular, on how to further strengthen and integrate the functions of the Platform and the institutional arrangements established to implement these functions. [Read more…] about IPBES: Call for input
Post Doctoral Vacancy: Mapping habitat suitability of honey bee
Joint Research Centre (JRC) is currently looking for someone to fill the position of the Scientific/Technical Project Officer, its for a contract agent in the context of the exploratory research project MAHONEY. [Read more…] about Post Doctoral Vacancy: Mapping habitat suitability of honey bee
ECOSERV: Registration Deadline Extended
5th Symposium on Ecosystem Services in Transdisciplinary Approach – ECOSERV 2018
We are pleased to inform you that the registration deadline on the 5th Symposium on Ecosystem Services in Transdisciplinary Approach – ECOSERV 2018 conference is extended. The new registration deadline is 6th May 2018. Please, click here to register [Read more…] about ECOSERV: Registration Deadline Extended