Our colleagues from Sectoral Working Group 5 have two recent developments they would like to share – a new think-piece on urban water security and a session at the upcoming ESP Europe Conference this October. More information below. [Read more…] about Updates from SWG 5 – ES in Water Management
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
Course: ABM2018 Agent-Based Modeling for Geographical Applications
This course (20 hours) from Università di Trento provides an introduction to the concepts of agent-based modeling, a space for discussion about using this technique to investigate geographical problems and an opportunity to learn how to build and test agent-based models with the NetLogo programming language. The course will start from 12 September to 14 September, 2018. The registration has opened now, the registration deadline will be on 12 July. [Read more…] about Course: ABM2018 Agent-Based Modeling for Geographical Applications
Vacancy: Junior Professorship in Sustainability Assessment and Policy
The Faculty of Environmental Sciences at the TU Dresden, Germany, invites for the PRISMA – Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy applications for the position of Hans Carl von Carlowitz Junior Professorship in Sustainability Assessment and Policy at the earliest possible date. The Junior Professorship carries the name of Hans Carl von Carlowitz (1645 – 1714), who is considered the founding father of sustainability. The Junior Professor will represent the topic of sustainability assessment in research and teaching within PRISMA. [Read more…] about Vacancy: Junior Professorship in Sustainability Assessment and Policy
IALE 2019 World Congress
IALE would like to invite you to join the 10th IALE world congress. This congress is an international congress point for everyone working on landscape ecology and who has interest in this filed. It’s an excellent opportunity to share and discuss your work and learn from each other. The theme of the congress is Nature and society facing the Antropocene: challenges and perspectives for landscape ecology. [Read more…] about IALE 2019 World Congress
The EO4Alps Summer School 2018
Earth observation and geospatial information: supporting a sustainable use of alpine ecosystems and water resources
The EO4Alps Summer School 2018 is jointly organized by University of Salzburg, Department of Geoinformatics and the Group on Earth Observations, and will be held in Salzburg, Austria, June 24 – July 6, 2018. [Read more…] about The EO4Alps Summer School 2018