The SMILES Action focuses on establishing a network of researchers and practitioners working on ecosystem services, land use change, natural capital assessment, nature-based solutions and governance within small and medium islands within Europe and its overseas territories. We look for early career investigators that are interested in joining this action, as well as people with expertise in marine ecosystem services and governance. Participants will be invited to contribute to collaborative research on island natural capital, ecosystem services, nature-based solutions and climate resilience, and benefit from the possibility of receiving travel funds dedicated to short term scientific missions. For more information see the website.
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
Second external review of the IPBES nexus assessment
The second external review of the thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment) is open from 20 November 2023 to 14 January 2024 (8 weeks).
The second external review, which focuses on the second draft of the chapters and the first draft of the summary for policymakers of the assessment, is one of the most important phases in the IPBES assessment process. The second external review is addressed to Governments and interested and qualified experts, including scientists, decision makers, practitioners and other knowledge holders. [Read more…] about Second external review of the IPBES nexus assessment
Research Associate: Understanding human-nature interactions in urban areas using new forms of big data
The School of Social & Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow has an opportunity for a Research Associate to make a leading contribution to the ESRC SDAI funded project ‘developing and exploring methods to understand human-nature interactions in urban areas using new forms of big data‘. The post holder will also contribute to research and data service activities of the UKRI-ESRC-funded Urban Big Data Centre (UBDC). [Read more…] about Research Associate: Understanding human-nature interactions in urban areas using new forms of big data
News from Slovenia national network
On 8 November, we organised the final event of the NatGuidES project in Ljubljana, Slovenia, where we presented the manual for the identification, assessment and mapping of ecosystem services (ES).
The manual for the identification, assessment and mapping of ES, which was created within the framework of the NatGuidES project, defines practical steps for the implementation of the concept of ES in protected areas (PA), with the aim of supporting managers in the management of PA by means of a protocol for the identification, assessment and mapping of ES. [Read more…] about News from Slovenia national network
Measuring socio-economic and environmental impacts of nature-based solutions
The overall aim of the LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS project is to improve climate adaptation and coordination capacity of local municipalities by mitigating the negative water-balance situation through the demonstration of integrated ecosystem-based water management solutions in Hungary. Within the project, we assess the impacts of project activities both on local economies and ecosystem services in the two concerned water catchments in Hungary. In 2023 we delivered the project baseline socio-economic as well as ecosystem services assessment. In 2025 we will deliver the final assessment to reveal changes induced by the project. [Read more…] about Measuring socio-economic and environmental impacts of nature-based solutions