Join the Natural Capital Project in March 18-21, 2019 at Stanford University to continue the conversation around improving the well-being of people and the planet at the Natural Capital Symposium. Every year, leaders from around the world come together at the Symposium to drive innovation and empower decisions informed by nature’s benefits to people. [Read more…] about 2019 Natural Capital Symposium, Call for abstracts is open
ESP connects over 3000 ecosystem services scientists, policy makers and practitioners who work together in more than 40 Working Groups and a growing number of National Networks on all continents. ESP regularly organises World and Regional conferences and provides many Services to further enhance the application of ecosystem services for nature conservation, ecosystem restoration and sustainable management. Partner up with ESP and join in the global effort for the future of our Natural Capital!
Vacancy: Researcher at Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
The Finish Environment Institute (SYKE) is looking for a researcher/senior researcher to work on the topic of spatial modeling of biodiversity and ecosystem services and application of remote sensing data to the assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem status. Application deadline: 12.11.2018.
[Read more…] about Vacancy: Researcher at Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Call for abstracts: abstract submission for the ESP Africa Regional Conference 2019 is now open!
This year’s Africa regional conference has the theme “Management of Ecosystem Services for Nature Conservation and Human Wellbeing in Africa” and will be held in Togo.
Interested in presenting your work in one of the thirty conference sessions? The call for abstract is now open.
Go now to the Call for Abstracts section on the official web page of our Africa Regional Conference 2019, follow the guidelines and submit your abstract!
The online abstract submission system is open from 16 October to 26 November 2018.
ESP October Update is out!
The October issue of our newsletter was out earlier this week. In this month’s ESP Update you will find:
- latest info on our Regional Conferences (proceedings from the Asia conference are now online, call for abstracts is open for ESP Africa 2019!),
- updates from several Working Groups and National Networks (the Caribbean regional sub-chapter is recruiting members, the Polish network of ESP would like your input for a survey)
- a whole lot of activities from our colleagues over at the YESS group
- call for nominating candidates for the ESP Steering Committee
- other news from our partners around the globe
Call for papers: Special Issue on Operationalizing ES in support of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning
On Tuesday session B1b: Operationalizing ES in support of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning took place at the ESP European Conference in San Sebastian. As a result, the session organisers decided to submit a Special Issue in Ocean and Coastal Management Journal.
If you are interested in the topic of connecting ecosystem services and marine spatial planning, you are more than welcome to send your papers to Daniel Depellegrin at [email protected].