1. Introduction & Objectives
Accounting for ecosystem and ecosystem services is gaining growing attention. Human activities (including both economic sectors and households) do affect the capacity of ecosystem units to provide services that in turn generate benefits. To measure environmental resources as tangible benefits that enter the market circuit or that are withdrawn for own consumption is not sufficient. Only the assessment of services as flows can provide us with relevant information on issues such as sustainable /unsustainable management practices and land use, and the identification of a causality nexus between human actors and ecosystem services. Click here to read more.
2. Lead Team & Members
- Alessandra La Notte, International Consultant on Natural Capital Accounting
- Neville Crossman, Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA)
- Davide Geneletti
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Lead team, please contact the current lead team members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this Working group, please contact the lead team.
3. Activities and outputs
- 2022 Europe ESP Conference: Ecosystem condition accounting: overcoming operational challenges Book of abstracts, Recordings
- 2022 Europe ESP Conference: Moving forward in ecosystem services accounting: From the monetary valuation barrier to the mainstreaming into policy making / Biophysical models for ecosystem accounting Book of abstracts, Presentations, Recordings
- 2021 Europe ESP Conference: From assessment to accounting: how countries experience the development of NCA. Insights from applications Book of abstracts, Presentations & Recordings
- 2019 ESP10 world Conference: Accounting for ecosystem services: time for applications Book of abstracts, Presentations
- 2018 Asia ESP Conference:Accounting For Ecosystem Services : Policy and Practices Book of Abstracts, Presentations
- 2018 European ESP Conference: Combining accounting structures with ecosystem services: biophysical models, valuation techniques, and policy uses Book of Abstracts, Presentations
- 2016 European ESP Conference: Nature-based solutions for urban challenges Book of abstracts, Presentations
- 2015 World ESP conference: Ecosystem accounting: Advances, Lessons learned, and Implications for Decision-Making Book of abstracts, Presentations