Sub-working group of BWG 2 – Freshwater Systems
1. Introduction & Objectives
This biome-type includes (freshwater) floodplains, swamps/marshes and peatlands (bogs, fens etc). The diversity in ecosystem services that inland wetlands provide makes them incredibly valuable ecosystems. For example, they have a very high ecological value, providing the water and primary productivity upon which countless species of plants and animals depend. Inland wetlands support high concentrations of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrate species. It has been estimated that freshwater wetlands hold more than 40% of the world’s species and 12% of all animal species.
Objective: The objective of the Inland Wetlands Working Group is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange information and discuss ideas and experiences on Assessment of Ecosystem Services provided by freshwater, floodplains, swamps/marshes and peatlands (bogs, fens etc.), and make the information available to a wider community of users.
2. Lead Team & Members
- Edward Beddows, GIS-E, UK