Sub-working group of BWG 1 – Marine Systems
1. Introduction & Objectives
Group includes two main types of ecosystem, tidal marshes and mangroves. Mangroves are recognised to provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including support to local and commercial fisheries; coastal protection and storm buffering; climate regulation; erosion control; provision of timber, thatch, medicinal plants and other materials; opportunities for recreational fishing, hunting and also non-consumptive recreation activities; and provide habitat for animal and plant species. Many mangrove resources are harvested for subsistence purposes and local communities in, or near, mangrove areas may be almost entirely dependent on mangroves for their livelihood.Despite their many benefits, in many parts of the world mangroves are under intense pressure from competing land uses (esp. aquaculture and urban development) and excessive extraction of materials. The loss or degradation of mangroves can therefore have a dramatic negative effect on the well-being of mangrove dependent communities.
Objective: The objective of the Coastal Wetlands Working Group is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange information and discuss ideas and experiences on Assessment of Ecosystem Services provided by Mangroves and Tidal marsh systems, and make the information available to a wider community of users.
2. Lead Team & Members
- Luke Brander, Hong Kong (esp. tropical coastal wetlands)
- Andrea Ghermandi, Italy (medit. & sub-tropical coastal wetlands)
- Rosimeiry Portela, US (medit. & sub-tropical coastal wetlands)
- Piran White, University of York, UK
- Zoe Austin, University of York, UK
- Emmanuelle Cohen, Israel
- Thomas Binet
If you are interested in becoming a member of the lead team please contact the current lead team members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this national network please click here.
3. Activities and Outputs
This Working Group has close links with the “Marine Systems Working Group” which is working on, among others a database on Marine ES and values, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning tools using ES (notably Marine InVEST) and Marine Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) tools and concepts.