Sub-working group of BWG 1 – Marine Systems
1. Introduction & Objectives
Coastal ecosystems are found around continental margins throughout the world. In this Working Group coastal systems refer to several distinct ecosystems such as sea-grass fields, shallow seas of continental shelves, estuaries, and shores (rocky and beaches), which are found in the terrestrial near-shore as well as the intertidal zones—where ocean meets land, from the shore to the 200m bathymetric line with open oceans. This BWG excludes coastal wetlands (such as Mangroves) since they are dealt with in a separate Working Group (BWG-1D).
Coastal ecosystems play an important role in providing fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in stabilizing sediments, sequestering carbon, and in nutrient cycling. In addition, they are an important nursery and foraging habitat. Their value to humans is therefore significant and they have been historically and pre-historically fundamentally important for the evolution of the human race and the livelihoods, re-creation and mental well-being of current generations.
Objective: The objective of the Coastal Systems Working Group is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange information and discuss ideas and experiences on Assessment of Ecosystem Services provided by coastal ecosystems such as sea-grass fields, shallow seas of continental shelves, estuaries, and shores (rocky and beaches) and make the information available to a wider community of users.
2. Lead Team & Members
- Rosimeiry Portela, Conservation International, USA
- Andrea Ghermandi, University of Venice, Italy
- Anne Boehnke-Henrichs, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
- Thomas Binet
- Carolin Planitzer
If you are interested in becoming a member of the lead team please contact the current lead team members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this national network please click here.
3. Activities and Outputs
This Working Group has close links with the “Marine Systems Working Group” which is working on, among others a database on Marine ES and values, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning tools using ES (notably Marine InVEST) and Marine Ecosystem Based Management (EBM) tools and concepts.