Welcome to the official webpage of the Japan ESP national network. If you would like to visit this network’s discussion board, please click here (members only).
Lead team
- Shunsuke Managi, Kyushu University, Japan
- Naoya Furuta, IUCN, Japan
Lead team support
- Takahiro Ota, The University of Osaka
If you are interested in becoming a member of the lead team, please contact the current lead team members.
If you are interested in becoming a member of this national network, please click here.
Introduction & Objectives
ESP National Networks aim to improve decision making on ecosystem services by providing a platform for researchers, government, non-government, business, industry and communities to exchange information and experiences on the theoretical and practical application of ecosystem services at local to national scales.
Japan-National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP) will be housed at the Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Tohoku University. More information on our Introduction & Objectives will be added soon.