Welcome to the ESP Community! We connect over 3000 ecosystem services professionals from more than 90 countries. The most efficient way to benefit from and contribute to this community is to become a paying ESP member.
Everybody interested or involved in the science, policy or practice of ecosystem services can become an ESP individual member. Among our individual members, we have business leaders, government-administrators, policy-makers and researchers. By becoming a member you can actively participate in the ESP community, events and even take part in the governance.
If you work for an organization or department where several people work on ecosystem services or if your organization would like to support ESP, you should consider an institutional membership. Institutional membership is open to any public or private organization involved in the science, policy and practice of ecosystem services.
Hear it from our members in this delightful video taken at ESP Europe 2022 in Heraklion.
By becoming an ESP member you have the opportunity to share knowledge and collaborate with other professionals working on the science, policy and practice of ecosystem services. As a member you can make use of the ESP Member Portal to connect with other members, join working groups, regional chapters and national networks, participate in discussions, showcase your work on the ESP website. You also receive substantial discounts for the ESP Conferences registration fees.
Individual member benefits:
- Opportunity to join ESP working groups
- Opportunity to join the ESP national networks and regional chapters
- Unlimited access to all features of the ESP member portal
- Reduced fees for ESP conferences and training courses
- Significant reduction on the Elsevier Journal ‘Ecosystem Services’ (€36/year)
- 15% discount on article publication fee in Ecosystems and People
- Discount on the One Ecosystem Journal of 10%
- Full access to all online material including publications, funding opportunities & databases
- Opportunity to directly publish announcements (events, collaboration calls, publications, vacancies) on the ESP website
- Facilitation in developing collaborations and joint project proposals
- Right to organize activities such as discussion groups and workshops under the ESP banner
- Right to vote on partnership matters, such as electing Steering Committee members
- Right to be nominated as a member of the ESP Steering Committee
Institutional member benefits:
- The opportunity to display the organization on the partners webpage. The organization’s profile includes a logo, link to the website and contact person details
- Two employees can be appointed as representatives for their organization, who automatically become full Individual ESP member without additional costs
- Next to the two free members, all other employees of the institutional member can become an Individual member with 50% reduction on the regular fee
- Rent an exhibition booth at the ESP conferences at a reduced rate
ESP offers different types of memberships with the idea to include as many and as diverse partners into our network as possible. There are individual memberships, where students and partners from low-income countries can benefit from a 50% discount on the fee; and institutional memberships tailored for different organization sizes. Click on the buttons below to learn more and register!
ESP Newsletter
If you would like to stay informed about our activities, but don’t want to become a paying ESP member (yet), just subscribe to our monthly newsletter. It’s free!
We look forward to welcoming you to our extensive network of ecosystem services professionals!