Our colleagues from Sectoral Working Group 5 have two recent developments they would like to share – a new think-piece on urban water security and a session at the upcoming ESP Europe Conference this October. More information below. [Read more…] about Updates from SWG 5 – ES in Water Management
IPBES-6 Plenary report
The advance English version of 6 Plenary report (document IPBES/6/15) and five summaries for policymakers (ipbes/6/15/Add.1 to 5) are posted on IPBES website now. [Read more…] about IPBES-6 Plenary report
New report on Ecosystem Services Accounting released by the JRC
The European Commission Joint Research Center has just released the second report on Natural Capital Accounting: “Ecosystem services accounting: Part I – Outdoor recreation and crop pollination”. You can download the full report on this page.
[Read more…] about New report on Ecosystem Services Accounting released by the JRC
ERD report on beekeeping activities in Cameroon
Sustainable Agriculture and Building the Capacity of Peasants: Income Generating Activities and Better Food Security
The ERD team is very pleased to share its report on the beekeeping activities for the period 2016-2017, in Cameroon. Beekeeping is an important sector of the economy in general and agricultural in particular due to the role played by bees in pollination and in the production of honey and its derived products. People around the world know and love honey, a high-value food and a source of income. But then beekeeping has remained out of the great momentum of agricultural development in Cameroon since a long time unlike other animal and even vegetable sectors. [Read more…] about ERD report on beekeeping activities in Cameroon
New publications from TWG 7 – Economic & Monetary valuation
Below you will find a number of relevant publications from members of this working group: [Read more…] about New publications from TWG 7 – Economic & Monetary valuation