Members of the ESP Mediterranean working group participated in the 2017 joint meeting of the International Society of Mediterranean Ecology (MEDECOS) and the Spanish Ecological Society (AEET), celebrated between the 31st of January and 4th of February in Seville, Spain. The main focus of the joint conference was the ecology and evolution of Mediterranean ecosystems and their species, from plants to animals and also microorganisms. [Read more…] about BWG 5 members participated at the XIV MEDECOS & AEET meeting in Seville, January 2017
Stakeholder Day at IPBES-5
The conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services are fundamental to the well-being of current and future generations. Yet the depletion and degradation of natural resources is increasingly destroying the life support systems on which people depend. How are governments, experts and stakeholders working together, through IPBES, to address these critical issues? How can you contribute as an individual or an organisation to the IPBES process to enrich assessment outcomes and contribute to implementing the work programme and recommendations of the IPBES Plenary? [Read more…] about Stakeholder Day at IPBES-5
Green Finance Academy Masterclass
This masterclass helps you to become the expert on bankable projects in your organisation and provides you the tools to design projects that not only meet your project goals, but also generate financial returns for investors.
ESMERALDA workshop on ecosystem services mapping and assessment methods
From 9 to 12 January 2017, ESMERALDA held the second of a series of five planned project workshops aimed at testing the flexible ecosystem services (ES) mapping and assessment methodology under development using real-world case studies. [Read more…] about ESMERALDA workshop on ecosystem services mapping and assessment methods
XI International Symposium “Wetlands 2017” in Cuba
The Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) of Matanzas province and the National Center for Protected Areas (CNAP) invites you to participate in the 11th International Symposium on Wetland Management “Wetlands 2017” to be held From 6 to 10 November 2017, in the Ciénaga de Zapata, Matanzas, Cuba. The meeting has become a regional initiative of systematic implementation.
[Read more…] about XI International Symposium “Wetlands 2017” in Cuba