The EU funded Capacity Building on Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Turkey Project (MARinTURK) supports the possible transposition and implementation of the MSFD in the near future. As part of the initial assessment, the economic and social analysis of the different marine water uses as well as the assessment of cost of degradation has been completed for both the Mediterranean and Black Seas of Turkey. [Read more…] about Marine ES taken into account in MSFD application in Turkey
Young Ecosystem Services Specialists news
Since May 2017, YESS has a new executive team, André Mascarenhas and Klara Winkler, with the mission to strengthen the connection between the YESS members (currently over 180). Building on a recent members’ survey, activities and network opportunities are in the planning – for example a bi-monthly interactive journal club will take part from August onwards. [Read more…] about Young Ecosystem Services Specialists news
New publication from ESP Mediterranean Working group
Members of the ESP Mediterranean Biome Working group have just published an article on the importance of ecosystem services for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the Aichi Targets. In particular, the study explores how and which ecosystem services are currently considered in the SDGs and the Aichi Targets. The authors identified the information that is already available in current national ecosystem assessments, as well as the main knowledge gaps, for monitoring the progress towards the achievement of these goals.
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Members of Mediterranean ESP working group at MedECC workshop
Four members of the ESP Mediterranean working group (Mario Balzan – Malta College of Arts, Ioannis Vogiatzakis – Open University of Cyprus, Céline Dubreuil – Plan Bleu, France – and Alejandra Morán – CREAF-CTFC, Spain), together with other 36 experts from across the Mediterranean Basin, participated in a workshop on Mediterranean Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services in Marseille, France, from the 17th to 19th of July. The workshop was organized by the MedECC (the network of Mediterranen Experts on Climate and Environmental Change; ) and Plan Bleu.
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New Publications on marine ES from the Canary Islands
Our colleagues from University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) have been active in the last year with the evaluation of seagrass ecosystem services, mainly quantifying the nursery and fisheries services. Part of their research effort has been to assess the anthropogenic impacts related to nutrient enrichment in the water column and sediments.
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