Last 18th of September, Ilse Geijzendorffer (Tour du Valat, and one of the lead team members of the ESP Mediterranean Working Group) together with a Marianne Kettunen (Institute for European Environmental Policy) gave an OPPLA webinar on How ecosystem services can/should be included in policy?. The session was organized within the framework of the webinar series of the OPERAS project. [Read more…] about New OPPLA webinar on how ES can/should be included in policy
IPBES media release: Land degradation & restoration
Тhe Secretariat of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has issued a media release on the topic Land Degradation & Restoration: Better Evidence-based Information Critical to Achieve Global Goals. [Read more…] about IPBES media release: Land degradation & restoration
The future value of ecosystem services: Global scenarios and national implications
We’d like to call your attention to a new paper that estimates the future value of global ecosystem services under four scenarios to the year 2050. The paper was authored by Ida Kubiszewski, Robert Costanza, Sharolyn Anderson and Paul Sutton.
Results show that the global value of ecosystem services can either decrease by USD $51 trillion/yr or increase by USD $30 trillion/yr, depending on which scenario we choose. [Read more…] about The future value of ecosystem services: Global scenarios and national implications
ESP August Update is out
Catch up on ecosystem services news with our August Update. In this month’s issue:
- ESP9 Conference – news, deadlines and a call for your input
- Updates from our Working Groups and our Asia Regional Office
- Overview of new publications, calls for collaboration and vacancies
JRC report: Implementing an EU system of accounting for ecosystems and their services
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has just published a report on ecosystem service accounting as the initial contribution of the JRC to the Integrated Natural Capital Accounting (INCA) project.
You can download the report here.