In 2019 ESP will organise the 10th World Conference. In case you are interested to host this Conference please fill in the Expression of Interest and send it back to by December 6. At this point no firm commitment is needed, we are only making an inventory of interested organisations and will discuss this during the ESP9 Conference in Shenzhen.
Call for input: Understanding interactions between land and marine systems
Connections Matter – Developing an ecosystem services flow based economic model to understand the interactions between adjacent land and marine based primary production systems to mutual benefit
Regional economic development is important in countries such as New Zealand which depend on a thriving primary production sector. Such regional development must encompass economic, social, environmental and cultural components and an Ecosystem Services framework is an ideal vehicle for this (MEA 2005). Ecosystem Service assessments have been applied to many sectors in NZ individually, and one such study done by Moana NZ on abalone identified land derived sediment as a major issue in coastal habitats and affecting seafood production. [Read more…] about Call for input: Understanding interactions between land and marine systems
Marine ESP BWG participated in OneOcean Forum Event
The OneOcean forum took place in October in Milan with the objective to set the basis for improving the way marine resources are managed, through the integration of Science, Society and Business. It was organized by the Yacht Club ChartaSmeralda under the scientific guidance of the International Oceanographic Committee of UNESCO. Member of the Marine ESP WG were part of the Scientific Advisory Board. [Read more…] about Marine ESP BWG participated in OneOcean Forum Event
ESP RO Asia: International training on integrated transboundary nature management
The international training on ecosystem management for sustainable development in transboundary areas held in Korea brought together scientist and professionals from Primorsky Krai Russia to seek out collaboration with Korean partners for ecosystem management in Northeast Asia. ESP Asia office organized this course together with the Gyeonggi-provincial government and invited selected participants from Russia Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University and local NGOs. [Read more…] about ESP RO Asia: International training on integrated transboundary nature management
Five Major New IPBES Assessment Reports will be launched in March 2018 during IPBES 6th Plenary in Medellin, Colombia
In March, 2018, representatives of 127 Governments will receive, for approval, five landmark assessment reports describing the state of knowledge about biodiversity, ecosystems and nature’s contributions to people.
Prepared by more than 550 leading international experts from more than 100 countries, working with the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the evaluations cover four world regions — the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Africa, and Europe and Central Asia, i.e. the whole world except Antarctica and the open oceans. The reports are scheduled for public launch in Medellin, Colombia at the 6th annual session of the IPBES Plenary (#IPBES6) in March 2018. [Read more…] about Five Major New IPBES Assessment Reports will be launched in March 2018 during IPBES 6th Plenary in Medellin, Colombia