Prifysgol Bangor University invites application for the position of Teaching & Scholarship Lecturer in Conservation Science. The position is a full time, 5 year strategic appointment in the School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography. [Read more…] about Teaching & Scholarship Lecturer Position
Postdoc/Senior Scientist Vacancy – Ecosystem Services
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) is proud to announce the position of Postdoc / Senior Scientist – Ecosystem Services in their team. The position will focus on telecoupling and related fields. [Read more…] about Postdoc/Senior Scientist Vacancy – Ecosystem Services
USSEE Webinar series on ecological economics
United States Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) is launching a free bi-monthly webinar series. The inaugural seminar is titled: Bringing Ecological Economics into Standard Economics Courses and will take place on February 28th, 2018. The purpose of the seminar is sharing methods and resources from experts in the field with USSEE membership. [Read more…] about USSEE Webinar series on ecological economics
Morocco International Conference
The conference “Vulnerability of the Mediterranean soils to water erosion: State of knowledge and adaptation strategies in the face of global change” will be held on 20 – 21 November 2018 in Morocco, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, campus of Rabat. [Read more…] about Morocco International Conference
WCDI Landscape Governance Course, 2-13 April 2018
This course challenges forest and nature management professionals to adopt an integrative perspective, to look beyond the forest, and build bridges between the public and the private sector. It focuses on the development of institutional development at landscape level including multistakeholder platforms and networks, and financial support mechanisms to guide landscape dynamics on the ground. [Read more…] about WCDI Landscape Governance Course, 2-13 April 2018