IPBES: Call for external reviewer
Call for the second external reviewer of the global assessment
IPBES is pleased to announce the start of the external review for the second order drafts of the chapters and the first draft of the Summary for Policymakers of the IPBES global assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services. The period for this second external review of the global assessment is from 30 April until 29 June, 2018. [Read more…] about IPBES: Call for external reviewer
A workshop on assessing and analyzing multi-species natural forest in Turkey
Dear ESP community,
A workshop on multi-species natural forests will be held in Artvin (Turkey) between 3-13 May 2018 with the participation of Prof. Klaus v. Gadow along with many others. This workshop will be a great opportunity for both researchers and field practitioners to discuss various inventory techniques in designing forest ecosystems. [Read more…] about A workshop on assessing and analyzing multi-species natural forest in Turkey
New report on Ecosystem Services Accounting released by the JRC
The European Commission Joint Research Center has just released the second report on Natural Capital Accounting: “Ecosystem services accounting: Part I – Outdoor recreation and crop pollination”. You can download the full report on this page.
[Read more…] about New report on Ecosystem Services Accounting released by the JRC
Webinar: Using the EcoService Models Library
Upcoming National Ecosystem Services Partnership Webinar
Tammy Newcomer-Johnson, ecologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research and Development, will present on the EPA’s new EcoService Models Library on the 10th of May. This online database allows users to find, examine, and compare ecological models to estimate the production of ecosystem goods and services. [Read more…] about Webinar: Using the EcoService Models Library