The journal Sustainability is calling for contributions for the Special Issue: Ecosystem Services – from Conceptual Frameworks to Policy Implementation.
This Special Issue aims to gather contributions addressing the link between science and policy in the operationalization of the ecosystem services concept. Possible topics to be addressed include the following:
- How can we integrate ES and biodiversity science in policy formulation processes? What models, indicators, and tools should we use?
- How can we use ES to support environmental planning and assessment processes?
- How can we navigate the ES concept in the water–ecosystems–food nexus?
- How can we scale up locally derived experience onpolicy instruments for ES and biodiversity conservation to national and transnational level
policies? - How can we integrate diverse sources of knowledge and multiple values to improve participation in ES assessment processes?
Sustainability is an international Open Access journal which provides an advanced forum for research findings in areas related to sustainability and sustainable development. The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, conference proceedings (peer-reviewed full articles) and communications.
Find more information about the Special Issue here.