Members of the ESP Mediterranean working group participated in the 2017 joint meeting of the International Society of Mediterranean Ecology (MEDECOS) and the Spanish Ecological Society (AEET), celebrated between the 31st of January and 4th of February in Seville, Spain. The main focus of the joint conference was the ecology and evolution of Mediterranean ecosystems and their species, from plants to animals and also microorganisms.

Apart from participating in the multiple interesting sessions that the conference offered, members of the ESP Mediterranean working group organized and led two symposia on the topic of Mediterranean Ecosystem Services: ‘Mediterranean Ecosystem Services’ and ‘Ecosystem functioning and services: challenges and risks in a changing world’. Contributions to these symposia addressed a wide range of aspects of the current research on ecosystem services in the Mediterranean biome, from evaluation of social perceptions of given ecosystems/species to mapping and quantitative modelling of ecosystem services.
The conference was also a good excuse to meet with colleagues and friends, visit the beautiful city of Seville and the Spanish National Park of Doñana, renowned Ramsar site and one of the main biodiversity hotspots in Europe because of its strategic importance for migratory birds traveling to Africa, among other reasons.
If you are interested in knowing more about the different sessions, symposia and contributions of the conference, you can find the full detailed program of the meeting here.