Initiated by the project of the National Institute of Ecology, ESP Asia RO has been developing an ES training program targeting the Korean government officials. The training is composed of two training modules about understanding ES concept and applying ES approaches into policy planning and implementation at a local level. [Read more…] about ESP Asia Regional Office organises training program for government officials
National Network on Ecosystem Services in Bulgaria
An update from members of the ESP NN Bulgaria on recent developments to set up a formal network on ecosystem services in the country.
On July 3 2018, a workshop to discuss the results from ESMERALDA project and the opportunities for the development of a National Network on ecosystem services was held in the National institute of geophysics, geodesy and geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS). [Read more…] about National Network on Ecosystem Services in Bulgaria
SWG 5 – Ecosystem Services in Water Management
Updates from ESP’s sectoral working group 5 on ecosystem services in water management, including presentation at IAGLR 2018 on ‘Emerging Partnerships, Research, and Capacity in the African Great Lakes’ and a UNU INWEH workshop on ‘Africa2030WaterSecure Capacity Gaps and Needs for Water Security’: [Read more…] about SWG 5 – Ecosystem Services in Water Management
ES and Judge-Made Law: A Review of Legal Cases in Common Law Countries
This article in the journal Ecosystem Services reviews the prevalence and usage of the concept of ecosystem services in American and other common law legal systems. It suggests that this concept is rarely relied on by courts and other adjudicatory bodies. [Read more…] about ES and Judge-Made Law: A Review of Legal Cases in Common Law Countries
ES and U.S. Stormwater Planning: An Approach for Improving Urban Stormwater Decisions
This article in the journal Environmental Science and Policy presents an ecosystem services framework for assessing the context-specific needs of decision makers, while considering the strengths and limitations of greenwater infrastructure use in urban stormwater management. [Read more…] about ES and U.S. Stormwater Planning: An Approach for Improving Urban Stormwater Decisions