On September 11, the Prodigy Project: “Process-based & Resilience-Oriented management of Diversity Generates sustainability” was launched in the Zoobotanical Park at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC). Representatives of research institutions, education and non-governmental organizations from Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Germany will conduct research on different land uses and environmental, economic and social sustainability in the South-Western Amazon region on the triple boundary called MAP – Madre de Deus (Peru), Acre (Brazil) and Pando (Bolivia). [Read more…] about PRODIGY Project launches in South-Western Amazon
Scientists call for action for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges
Scientists concerened about agricultural sustainability and the role of the CAP have started a new petition calling for an evidence-based, future-proof EU Common Agricultural Policy. The short summary of the joint statement reads:
“Making agriculture sustainable is a global challenge. In the European Union (EU), the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is failing with respect to biodiversity, climate, soil, land degradation as well as socio-economic challenges especially in rural areas. The European Commission’s proposal for a CAP post-2020 allows Member States to choose low-ambition implementation. [Read more…] about Scientists call for action for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges
ESP10 participants collect voluntary contributions towards peatland rewetting
Participants of the 10th ESP World Conference donated €1240 in voluntarily greenhouse gas emission compensation. The donation goes towards peatland rewetting in the MoorFutures project Gelliner Bruch and will be used to offset 31 tonnes of CO2.
MoorFutures® were introduced in Germany as the first carbon credits from peatland rewetting. MoorFutures have been developed in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and follow the regional MoorFutures standard. The MoorFutures criteria are clearly defined, scientifically validated, transparent, and are based on the principles of the Verified Carbon Standard and the Kyoto Protocol. [Read more…] about ESP10 participants collect voluntary contributions towards peatland rewetting
ESP10 conference welcomes over 750 participants from 65+ countries
The 10th ESP World Conference took place between 21-25 October in Hannover, Germany and we are happy to report that it was a great success!
With more than 750 participants from over 65 countries, ESP10 was the biggest ESP conference yet, with the widest international outreach. The conference program featured impactful keynote speaches and panel discussions, sessions on diverse topics, a poster session, business day and market place, the brand new ‘ES in Practice’ competition, a documentary screening and multiple excursions.
The conference set a great example by having majority of keynote speakers and session hosts be female, child daycare was available, all the food was organic, local, and vegetarian and the participants collected over 1200 euro in donations to a carbon offset project – Moor Futures. [Read more…] about ESP10 conference welcomes over 750 participants from 65+ countries
Small rural establishments in Brazil: Allied in recovery and environmental conservation practices
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) disseminates conservation agriculture practices to increase world food production, especially in small rural establishments. These practices are fundamental because of support the biodiversity and ecosystem services (ES). Using all Brazilian municipalities, we investigated the relationship between rural establishments area and conservationist agricultural practices and the relationship between these areas and conservation and environmental recovery practices did by farm owners. Considering that smaller establishments have their products more easily and affected by ES, we tested the hypothesis that these establishments use most often conservationist rural and biodiversity conservation practices. [Read more…] about Small rural establishments in Brazil: Allied in recovery and environmental conservation practices