Biodiversity increasing yield in a paddy field: researchers from São João Del Rey University, in the Southwest of Brazil highlighted the importance of preserving heterogeneity of paddy fields, which may increase species and benefits they provide to the crop. More information with Anderson O. Latini – [email protected]
Updates from Brazil: Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Effective
Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Effective: The “Mata Atlântica” project translated to Portuguese the document “Making Ecosystem-Based Adaptation Effective: Parameters to define qualification criteria and quality standards”. The publication provides practical information for designing, implementing and monitoring EbA measures.
The Biodiversity and Climate Change project in the Atlantic Forest (“Mata Atlântica Project”) is coordinated by the Brazilian Ministry of Environment (MMA), in the context of the Brazil-Germany Cooperation for Sustainable Development, within the scope of the International Climate Protection Initiative (IKI) of the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU) of Germany. The initiative has technical support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and financial support from KfW.
Quantifying interregional flows of multiple ecosystem services – A case study for Germany
This open access paper has several members of the ESP Thematic Working Group 11 – Global ES Flows among its authors. The paper is a result of the sDiv synthesis project sTeleBES which was initiated by TWG-11. Read more.
Updates from SWG 5 – ES in Water management
Dr Nidhi Nagabhatla, co-lead of SW5 had complied a policy message to offer small island developing states a strategy to manage water security. Read more.
In another synthesis, she propagated the connection with water management, peace, and political stability. It concludes with an emphasis on the peacebuilding potential of planning water-secure futures for states and communities.It provides water users and managers with enhanced knowledge frameworks and improved capacity in the context of the water-peace-political stability nexus. Read more.
Help us update the Ecosystem Services Valuation Database (ESVD)
To make better informed decisions about trade-offs involved in land use change, or any activity affecting ecosystems and biodiversity, we need better information about the full importance of ecosystems to our wellbeing. In addition to intrinsic/ethical and other non-monetary values, economic considerations still dominate cost-benefit analysis.
To provide information on the economic benefits of ecosystems and biodiversity, and on the costs of their loss, a database was developed for the TEEB study, published in 2010.
We are now updating this database which now contains over 600 studies and more than 4000 value records distributed across all biomes, services and geographic regions (3x as much as the original TEEB database). We are currently setting up a review-process to double-check the current data, and welcome new studies for our repository.
Are you interested in developing the ESVD? Find more information on how you can contribute in the full invitation letter:
Invitation letter to review the ESVD