In his recent work, Dr Bulat Yessekin outlines the problems facing the ecosystems of the Ural, the required changes and possible solutions for the sustainable management of the basin ecosystem, as the basis for well-being in this region. Find the full text here.
How Does Nature Measure Up? Innovative Examples of Cost-Benefit Analysis of Nature-Based Solutions
This webinar will highlight innovative case studies that assess the costs and benefits of NbS, and how we might use that cost-benefit information to help scale these approaches. Join to hear from Mike Beck (UC Santa Cruz) on the cost effectiveness of nature-based coastal adaptation in the Gulf of Mexico, Anna Bettis (The Nature Conservancy) on a cost-benefit analysis of installing tree canopies to address extreme heat in Phoenix, and from Gregg Brill (The Pacific Institute, CEO Water Mandate) and Ivan Paspaldzhiev (Denkstatt) on benefit accounting and valuation of NbS for watersheds. [Read more…] about How Does Nature Measure Up? Innovative Examples of Cost-Benefit Analysis of Nature-Based Solutions
Urban Forests and Green Areas as Nature-Based Solutions for Brownfield Redevelopment: A Case Study from Brescia Municipal Area (Italy)
In recent years, cities are undergoing major changes and facing major challenges in terms of sustainability. To promote the green transition, today many urban centres are planning to regenerate disused brownfield areas. In this context, Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are often considered an effective tool to promote the green transition and the sustainable development of cities, especially thanks to the numerous ecosystem services they can provide. With the aim to effectively assess the benefits provided by NBSs, this study analyses two alternative NBS-based intervention scenarios for the redevelopment of an urban brownfield area within the municipality of Brescia (Italy). Read the full article here.
Nature in the city: turning knowledge into urban forestry practice
Develop your passion for forestry, ecology and urban design while learning how to promote the green transition of cities! This free online course, developed by Uforest in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano, provides key knowledge on urban forestry and the different disciplines involved in it. From arboriculture to urban planning, from ecology to community engagement, participants will gain the necessary tools to start promoting nature-based solutions for greener cities. Leading international experts in urban forestry will take part in the course, such as Cecil Konijnendijk (Nature Based Solutions Institute), Nadina Galle (Green City Watch), Maria Chiara Pastore (Politecnico di Milano), Joan Pino (Università Autonoma di Barcellona). Learn more and register here.
Invitation to Cumbre Madre Tierra event (Spanish only)
CENTRUS and Earth Law Centre invite you to Cumbre Madre Tierra (see invitation below, in Spanish). This meeting will join experts in diverse fields that are called around natures´ rights recognition and how this can help in achieving full multidimensional rights in different contexts. The main organizer is Raúl Gutiérrez Patiño and the venue is Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México. Register to participate online by writing to this email: [email protected]. [Read more…] about Invitation to Cumbre Madre Tierra event (Spanish only)