Investing in and protecting nature and biodiversity brings multiple benefits to people, society and the economy. The Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) is developing several work streams on this topic, analysing and developing policy options to tap into these benefits. One of this streams is looking into the link between nature and human health.
Building on the findings of a yearlong study and the outcomes of a stakeholder workshop held in Brussels in January, IEEP’s final report on the Health and Social Benefits of Nature and Biodiversity Protection is now available on the website of the European Commission. The research team identifies more than 100 cases across the EU where initiatives are making use of nature for health and social benefits. Examples include reducing exposure to pollutants, mitigating noise and heat stress, improving everyday well-being, providing therapeutic spaces for rehabilitation and treatment, promoting recreation and sustainable mobility, and facilitating volunteering and local engagement. The report develops a road map for how European cities, regions and countries can realise these benefits and how the EU can support this process.
You can read the full report here.