Thematic working group on ecosystem services indicators (T3) is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help lead the working group. To give you an indication of our previous ESP conference sessions activities, we focused on social-ecological ‘bridging indicators’ (socio-economic & biophysical indicators), ‘fit-for purpose indicators’, ‘big data’, and operationalizing ES indicators, respectively. We are excited to bring the working group to the next level, and to intensify communication and collaboration between group members. For the ESP Europe conference in Wageningen, we are going to look into indicators for monitoring (global) biodiversity frameworks (such as Kunming) as well as indicators for monitoring Nature-based Solutions.
Therefore, the following questions to ESP members:
- Would you be interested to remain / become a member of TWG 3 on ES indicators?
- Would you or a colleague / PhD candidate be interested in leading the TWG?
- Do you have suggestions for the new / upcoming chairs to take with them?
Please send your email to Alexander van Oudenhoven, the current chair.