In September, the Platform was restructured to support and encourage the preparation of new thematic reports. The new arrangement lies on three pillars: executive coordination, technical-scientific board, and authors of assessments. Find more information here.
The “1st Brazilian Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” is available for download. It is the most comprehensive document on the current state of knowledge about the relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being, including trends, threats and opportunities. The document was prepared with the participation of more than 85 authors from all regions of Brazil. Find more information here.
Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the Brazilian Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: The Brazilian Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services has just published an English version of the SPM. Made on IPBES guidelines, an SPM is a short document that aims to tell a coherent story in a synthesized and less technical language tailored to the needs of policymakers. The material can be downloaded here. The SPM’s Portuguese version, released in 2018, as well as the complete Assessment (only in Portuguese), can be found here.
The summary for decision makers of the thematic report “Landscape and Ecosystem Restoration” was prepared by 45 researchers from 25 institutions. Launched on August 23 in Rio de Janeiro, the study brings together scientific knowledge on initiatives, practices and public policies aimed at more sustainable land use in Brazil, contributing directly to the mitigation of climate change and the achievement of global goals. The objective is to inform government, business and other managers and leaders, from the public and private spheres, about the best way to go. Find more information here.
The summary for decision makers of the thematic report “Water, Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being” was launched in Florianópolis on August 8. The document contextualizes the threats to water resources and aquatic environments, the opportunities and the competitive differential that their efficient use make possible for the development and economy of the country and proposes practices and instruments for a better use and management of Brazilian waters. Find more information here.